Home Hacktivity Con 2021 [CTF] Writeup

Hacktivity Con 2021 [CTF] Writeup

Team Details


Team Members : sys41x4 [Arijit Bhowmick]
               meet9#4291 {Discord} [Meet Bhanushali]
Team Points Earned : 1011
Team Position : 331
Challenges Solved : Bass64 [WARMUPS]
                    Read The Rules [WARMUPS]
                    2EZ [WARMUPS]
                    Target Practice [WARMUPS]
                    Tsunami [WARMUPS]
                    Six Four Over Two [WARMUPS]
                    Butter Overflow [WARMUPS]
                    Pimple [WARMUPS]
                    Confidentiality [WEB]
                    Integrity [WEB]
                    Swaggy [WEB]
                    Jed Sheeran [OSINT]
                    Mike Shallot [OSINT]
Team Score Board : 1011



Bass64 [WARMUPS]

Bass64 Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

It, uh... looks like someone bass-boosted this? Can you make any sense of it ?

Bass64 | [SOLUTION]

Download the challenge File from the attachment button
After oppening it we will be presented with an ASCII ART


Here I have used micro (A terminal text editor) to open the file.
We can also use nano,sublime text, or any other text editor we want

After getting the text, we just have to type those in terminal
and we will be presented with a base64 encoded string.
Just decoding it will give us the FLAG for this challenge

Bass64 FLAG

FLAG : flag{35a5d13da6a2afa0c62bfcbdd6301a0a}

Read The Rules [WARMUPS]

Read-The-Rules Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

Please follow the rules for this CTF

Read The Rules | [SOLUTION]

In the Challenge description there will be a link
which is https://ctf.hacktivitycon.com/rules

On viewing the source-code of the webpage
we are going to have our flag in HTML comments

Read-The-Rules Flag

FLAG : flag{90bc54705794a62015369fd8e86e557b}


2EZ Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

These warmups are just too easy! This one definitely starts that way, at least!


Let us first download the provided attachment file
After, downloading it we are going to open it in hexedit

2EZ Challenge File

There we can see that it is a JPEG file.
We can say so by analysing the header bytes
But the first bytes are changed in this case

So we can fix this JPEG file by fixing it’s header bytes
The magical header bytes of jpeg is FF D8 FF E0

2EZ Solved File

So fixing the first 4 bytes of the file with FF D8 FF E0
we will be provided with the flag, which is written in the JPEG file.


FLAG : flag{812a2ca65f334ea1ab234d8af3c64d19}

Target Practice [WARMUPS]

Target Practice Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

Can you hit a moving target?

Note, this flag contains only 24 hexadecimal characters.

Target Practice | [SOLUTION]

Let us first download the provided attachment file.
We got to see that it is a GIF file.

Target Practice Challenge File

While opening it we can see that it is showing some random qr codes like images

I have used strings, hexedit, steghide, exiftool, binwalk but those didn’t work.

So I thought to extract all the frames from the GIF file and then analyse it.

So I have used an online gif-to-png converter tool and got all the frames from the GIF file in png format.

We got to have 22 png file, which means that there might be 22 frames in the PNG file.

Target Practice 22 PNG Files

So I thought to do a quick reverse search using Google Reverse Image Search Tool https://www.google.com/imghp with the first png image that was extracted from the GIF file

There we got to see that it is referring to MAXI CODE

Target Practice google Reverse Image Search

Then with no time I have searched for the Maxicode Decoder and got a website for decoding maxicode images https://products.aspose.app/barcode/recognize/maxicode#

There I have started to try all 22 PNGs that I have.

On the 16th PNG we got the flag for this challenge

Target Practice maxicode flag

Target Practice maxicode flag

FLAG : flag{385e3ae5d7b2ca2510be8ef4}

Tsunami [WARMUPS]

Tsunami Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

Woah! It's a natural disaster! But something doesn't seem so natural about this big wave...

Tsunami | [SOLUTION]

So let us download the file.
while analysing the file type with file command
we got to see that it is a WAV file.

Tsunami filetype

After playing the wav file, I was sure that it’s an Audio Stegnography

I quickly fireup the Audacity and opened the wav file in it.
changed the view from waveform to Spectrogram

Tsunami Audacity Analysis

While moving at the very end we got our flag \0/

Tsunami Flag

FLAG : flag{f8fbb2c761821d3af23858f721cc140b}

Six Four Over Two [WARMUPS]

Six Four Over Two Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

I wanted to cover all the bases so I asked my friends what they thought, but they said this challenge was too basic...

Six Four Over Two | [SOLUTION]

Let us download the file of the challenge.

After opening the file we got to see that it has some string written in it.

With first glance I have understood that it’s a Base32 encoded string.
Then decoding the base32 encoded string gives us the flag for this challenge.

Six Four Over Two Flag

FLAG : flag{a45d4e70bfc407645185dd9114f9c0ef}

Butter Overflow [WARMUPS]

Butter Overflow Details

Author: @M_alpha#3534

Can you overflow this right?

Butter Overflow | [SOLUTION]

We will be provided with 3 files as an attachment
But I have used 2 from them which are
source.c and butter_overflow

butter_overflow is an binary file, and source.c is it’s source File.

As it it a warmup challenge I was sure that a basic buffer overflow will get us the flag.

The source.c has a C-code which is

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

void give_flag();

void handler(int sig) {
    if (sig == SIGSEGV)

void give_flag() {
    char *flag = NULL;
    FILE *fp = NULL;
    struct stat sbuf;

    if ((fp = fopen("flag.txt", "r")) == NULL) {
        puts("Could not open flag file.");

    fstat(fileno(fp), &sbuf);

    flag = malloc(sbuf.st_size + 1);
    if (flag == NULL) {
        puts("Failed to allocate memory for the flag.");

    fread(flag, sizeof(char), sbuf.st_size, fp);
    flag[sbuf.st_size] = '\0';




int main() {
    char buffer[0x200];

    setbuf(stdout, NULL);
    setbuf(stdin, NULL);

    signal(SIGSEGV, handler);

    puts("How many bytes does it take to overflow this buffer?");

    return 0;

So what I have done is first I have make the binary executable
using the command chmod +x butter_overflow

Then I have analysed it with checksec (A tool from pwntools package)

Butter Overflow checksec analysis

Then I have generated a len 1000 cyclic string and forward it to file named alphabet
using the command cyclic 1000 > alphabet
Which means alphabet is a filename and can be of any name you want, and it contains a string having length 1000.

Let Us now use gdb to analyse the binary.

Butter Overflow gdb analysis

After passing the strings from the alphabet file using
r < alphabet
we got to see that a bufferoverflow has occured.

Butter Overflow pwndbg analysis

We got to see that we have a hit at string faafgaaf
Finding the string in the alphabet file using grep give us the exact string
which we require to cause the overflow.

Butter Overflow grep

There was a deploy button at the challenge details
which provide us an ip address and a port to connect with nc
On deploying the instance we got to see an input string, which ask us to provide an input.

Butter Overflow deploy instance

Providing the string that causes the buffer-overflow in the program
as an input string provide us the flag for this challenge.

Butter Overflow Flag

FLAG : flag{72d8784a5da3a8f56d2106c12dbab989}

Pimple [WARMUPS]

Pimple Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

This challenge is simple,it's just a pimple!

Pimple | [SOLUTION]

Let us first download the file, and check the type of the file.

Pimple Filetype

Here we can see that it is a GIMP file.

Let us open the challenge file pimple in GIMP or photopea (alternative GIMP file opener Online)
As I don’t have GIMP installed in my system, I am using the online alternative version for it.

Pimple load Image

After removing 6 Top-most layers we got to see out flag.

Pimple Flag

FLAG : flag{9a64bc4a390cb0ce31452820ee562c3f}

Confidentiality [WEB]

Confidentiality Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

My school was trying to teach people about the cIA triad so they made all these dumb example applications... as if they know anything about information security. Can you prove these aren't secure?

Confidentiality | [SOLUTION]

Let us start the instance for this challenge.

Then we are provided with a HTTP Address
In this case we are provided with http://challenge.ctf.games:31265

On visiting the webapp we will be provided with a basic webpage
where in the input field it was written as /etc/hosts

On providing the input as /etc/hosts we are provided with a response text
which is similar for listing directory.

Confidentiality Basic Command

While getting a proper response, we can also generate an error
so that we can analyse the process in a better way

While providing aaa we can get the command ls -l that is used to provide us the response.

Confidentiality Error

So I thought of using piping which is |
We can also use ; or & to execute two commands at the same time
with which we can generate a one-liner command.

So, First of all I use to list the home directory using the command /etc/hosts | ls -la /home
Then, I got the user in the instance, named as user
Then I list the user home directory using the command /etc/hosts | ls -la /home/user
and got to see the files in the user directory.
There we have our flag as flag.txt

Confidentiality List User directory

Then I use the cat command to get the content of flag.txt
providing input as /etc/hosts | cat /home/user/flag.txt

Confidentiality Flag

FLAG : flag{e56abbce7b83d62dac05e59fb1e81c68}

Integrity [WEB]

Integrity Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

My school was trying to teach people about the CIA triad so they made all these dumb example applications... as if they know anything about information security.
Supposedly they learned their lesson and tried to make this one more secure. Can you prove it still vulnerable?

Integrity | [SOLUTION]

Let us start the instance for this challenge.

Then we are provided with a HTTP Address
In this case we are provided with http://challenge.ctf.games:30043

On visiting the webpage we got to see a homepage, where it was written /etc/hosts in the input field.

Integrity Homepage

While providing the input as /etc/hosts we got to see that the webapp was returning a SHA256 hash of that file.

Integrity SHA256 HASH ofetc/hosts

After lot of Try-&-Errors I thought of passing the request through burp.
Sorry but I don’t have the snap of those errors.

Passing the request through burp provide us the request.

Integrity first request through burp

Then passing the request to repeater, and with an unusual guess I got Command Injection in the instance.

Integrity list home Directory

There we got the user as user
Then listing the user directory provide us the files in that directory
and we got to see the flag for this challenge there as flag.txt

Integrity list user Directory

Then using the cat command to print the content of flag.txt file provide us the flag fo rthis challenge.

Integrity Flag

FLAG : flag{62b8b3cb5b8c6803bf3dc585b1b5141d}

Swaggy [WEB]

Swaggy Details

Author: @congon4tor#2334

This API documentation has all the swag

Swaggy | [SOLUTION]

Let us start the instance for this challenge.

Then we are provided with a HTTP Address
In this case we are provided with http://challenge.ctf.games:32286

Onn visiting the web address we have been provided with a webapp.

Swaggy Homepage

Let us change to staging server for testing where it was written Production (Currently Unavailable)
so that we can now test the webapp.

Swaggy Testing Server

We can now click on the Authorize Tab to see what it does.
On selecting it we can see a Dialog Box
where we have to enter username and Password

Swaggy Authorize Tab

As we all know the default testing credentials is admin : admin
and we can see that we got it correct. \0/

Swaggy Authorize Grant

Then closing the Dialog Box and selecting the /flag Tab to see the content in that Tab.

Swaggyflag Tab

Then clicking on Try it out button to see what happens next.
On clicking it we can see that another button mentioning Execute is shown

Swaggyflag Tab Try-it-out

While clicking the Execute button we have be presented with a curl command

Swaggyflag Tab Execute

While copying and pasting the provided curl command in terminal and executing it
We got to see the Flag for this challenge.

Swaggy Flag

FLAG : flag{e04f962d0529a4289a685112bf1dcdd3}

Jed Sheeran [OSINT]

Jed Sheeran Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

Oh we have another fan with a budding music carrier! Jed Sheeran is seemingly trying to produce new songs based off of his number one favourite artist... but it doesn't all sound so good. Can you find him?

Find the flag somewhere in the world wide web with the clues provided.

Jed Sheeran | [SOLUTION]

Search For Jed Sheeran in Google Search
We are going to get a link to soundcloud at first.

Jed Sheeran Google Search

Visiting the link will provide us with Jed Sheeran Soundcloud profile.

Jed Sheeran SoundCloud UA

There will be a song named Beautiful People
and opening that song’s comment section provide us our flag for this challenge.

Jed Sheeran flag

FLAG : flag{59e56590445321ccefb4d91bba61f16c}

Mike Shallot [OSINT]

Mike Shallot Details

Author: @JohnHammond#6971

Mike Shallot is one shady fella. We are aware of him trying to share some specific intel, but hide it amongst the corners and crevices of internet. Can you find his secret?

Find the flag somewhere in the world wide web with the clues provided

Mike Shallot | [SOLUTION]

While searching the username mikeshallot in twitter, reddit, facebook, instagram and other sites
We didn’t got any valid information about how to proceed further.

But searching in pastebin as username we got to see his account there
Which provide some information that makes us sure that it is what we are finding for.

Mike Shallot pastebin UA

There we see that the account has a note for public access named as Shallot's Summons
Opening the note provide some information and 2 strings.

Mike Shallot pastebin note

The contents written there was

This site is not as safe as we need it to be. 
Meet me in the dark and I will share my secret with you.
Find me in the shadows, these may act as your light:

So basically there are two strings provided, the first string at line 6
which seems to be an onion link.

Using Google Dorking to find any valid information about the first random string.
I have used inurl:strongerw2ise74v3duebgsvug4mehyhlpa7f6kfwnas7zofs3kov7yd intext:strongerw2ise74v3duebgsvug4mehyhlpa7f6kfwnas7zofs3kov7yd as dorking string

So here it is. It’s an onion link.

Mike Shallot onion link google search

After visiting the link we are provided with Stronghold Paste webapp
Similar to pastebin
So it’s simply a data pasting field.

Do you remember we have another string at line 8 in pastebin content ?

Mike Shallot pastebin last string

On pasting the 2nd strings from line 8 in url as

We got to see the Flag for this challenge \0/

Mike Shallot flag

FLAG : flag{6e57a4c0be1656f9bc873647f49b9cdc}

Thankyou, for reading my writeup :)
Hope, I would see you in my next writeup.

Support Me if you want to.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.